Listen closely

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  ---Aristotle As I grow old or rather mature with each passing year I strongly feel that all the incidents, big or small, happening in the world around us changes us a little bit. We keep changing from the person we were born as. Every little joy, happiness, anger, frustration, … Continue reading Listen closely


I'm almost there dragging my feet pushing myself to the limit almost running out of breath breathless and panting   I'm almost there I can see the  finish line my heart beating still pulling myself with all my strength and still not losing the grin   I'm almost there pushing my boundaries and testing my limits saying a … Continue reading Mirage

Ramblings of a beautiful mind

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” ― Plutarch Here I go again Here I start again with the ramblings of a beautiful mind a sane mind A mind which everybody knows and which I try to hide There is a deep sense of satisfaction and sadness … Continue reading Ramblings of a beautiful mind


This post is in response to the daily prompt  Identity

Megha's World

This post is an ode to the strong, fierce women who are survivors of acid attacks. They go through immense physical and emotional pain but still manage to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I salute to all such woman, who after going through a life-altering incident has never backed down, never given up and showed the world the real strength of a fighting soul.
” He has changed my face, not my heart. He has burned my face , not my dreams”
                                                                           –Laxmi Agarwal, acid attack survivor
She is fierce, braveBraving the worldFacing the wrathatoning sins of her ancestors
living  a misogynistic truthPushing through the hurdles of the…

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This post is an ode to the strong, fierce women who are survivors of acid attacks. They go through immense physical and emotional pain but still manage to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I salute to all such woman, who after going through a life-altering incident has never backed down, never given up and showed the world the real strength of a fighting soul.


Buried under the dearth of pain Lies, suffering, hatred, and loss We humans as a species  we continue to survive. Every day we overcome the fear of discrimination, misogyny , clash of the religions, morals, and values and still, we continue to survive All the bloodthirst and the violence the numbness which the soul goes through … Continue reading Exceptional


Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. --George Bernard Shaw What you know about life? It comes and goes in flashes You are either living your memories or creating some. It's an endless effort to create the perfect picture, the masterpiece, on a blank canvas which the Almighty has given you, which … Continue reading Masterpiece