Review of my chapbook “My Body Is Not an Apology” by Madhumita Sinha

Immensely thankful to Madhumita Sinha for sharing her thoughts about my #chapbook“My Body Is Not an Apology” by Finishing Line Press. It’s so heartwarming to read her thoughts about my debut chapbook.
Review of the book “ My body is not an apology “ by Megha Sood , who lives in New Jersey, USA .

“When I first read the title of the book I knew what to expect from it but my curiosity remained as I went through the entire collection. The collection of prose poems are indeed a testimony to the indomitable spirit of women to fight against every obstacles on her way to come out as a survivor at the end . Megha has touched upon some very sensitive subjects around Women’s body and how she could go through immense pain dealing with those issues if not respected and understood.

What I loved most is the fact that it is an open and honest confessions unapologetically without any pretence about something most of us women experience and suffer yet shy away from writing about them . Kudos to that Megha . Some of my personal favourites in this collection are “ How to be a woman “ , “ Does hurt have a gender “ , “Even my grief should be productive “ “ My path to freedom “ besides others . These poems are profound and touch on the realities asking all of us a lot questions which we still don’t have answers to . Indeed a very well written book to shake us out of our stupor to think about the issues around women empowerment.

“ My survival story “ and “ My body lives like a threat “ are wonderful poems winding up on a note of positive thoughts, resilience and strength to overcome the challenges.

It’s indeed a liberating experience to read her book . I wish her all the best .”

—Madhumita Sinha

Here is the link to Madhumita Sinha website

Link for Amazon:

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