

Her voice a little smooth
like the silt and sediment
resting between my toes
and her black tresses
braided with salt and water
as if flirting with the moon tonight
that shifty-eyed moon
with it’s borrowed lights
hides the scars
when it soothes her
and imbues them with the
milky pristine moonlight
the truth and it’s absence
and the time crimped in its edges
she scampers on water gently
on a moonlit night
cupping her palms with the fleeting light
folded gently within those faithful waves
she dips her toes
/A truth so sublime/
the moon watches this dance of Rhapsody
this unison of passion and beauty
and folds it gently
neatly tucked in the lap of time.


Photo by Ivan Dodig on Unsplash

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