Poetry reading featured on the Poetry Channel(Youtube) by Indran Amirthanayagam

I’m thrilled to share the news that the poetry recording of my three poems from my chapbook My Body Is not an Apology” by Finishing Lines Press and my debut full length poetry collection “My Body Lives Like a Threat” by FlowerSong Press has been featured on the youtube based Poetry Channel by Indran Amirthanayagam.

My Full length is open for preorder : https://www.flowersongpress.com/books-1/p/my-body-lives-like-a-threat

Indran Amirthanayagam. is a  Poet. Diplomat.,Translator. Editor of The Beltway Poetry Quarterly ( http://www.beltwaypoetry.com) Author of 20 poetry books inc. Blue Window (Dialogos Books) The Migrant States ( http://www.hangingloosepress.com), Sur l’ile nostalgique ( L’Harmattan, Paris), Lirica, a tiempo ( Mesa Redonda, Lima). Host of The Poetry Channel on Youtube (https://youtube.com/user/indranam). Isleno is forthcoming from RIL Editores. Powet nan po la ( Poet of the Port) due from Madhat in 2022.Winner The Paterson Poetry Prize. 2020 Foundation for the Contemporary Arts fellow in poetry. Past fellow of the New York Foundation for the Arts , the US-Mexico Fund for Culture and the MacDowell Colony. Writes poetry in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Haitian Creole. Email: indranmx@gmail.com. Twitter @indranmx. Instagram: Indran1960 linkedin.com/in/indran-amirthanayagam. Curate readings for Beltway with partner in poetry Sara Cahill Marron.

1. Peace – A Metaphor for Denial  (  From my  full length collection  “My Body Lives Like a Threat” by  FlowerSong Press)
2. The Day the Town Celebrated ( From my chapbook “My Body is Not an Apology” by Finishing Line Press)
3. My Body Is Not an Apology ( From my chapbook “My Body is Not an Apology” by Finishing Line Press)

Happy Poetry!!
Megha Sood

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