Poetry included in the 2021 World Food Day e-Anthology by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization United Nations,North America) and Poet Rebecca Roach

I’m grateful that my poetry has been included in the  e-anthology in recognition of the 2021 World Food Day. In addition, for each poem submitted, 10 tree seedlings will be purchased on the poet’s behalf by Ms. Roach and planted around the world by the Eden Reforestation Projects which employs local stakeholders in areas impacted by deforestation and poverty. I’m also thankful to Poet Hiram Larew for being a collaborator in this project.

Here is the link to my poem “We All Rise Out of Love” on Poetry X HUnger Website

Collaborators include the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Liaison Office for North America, the Capital Area Food Bank and, poet Rebecca Roach. 

The anthology will include the works of poets in United States and Canada. All submitted works will be posting on the Poetry X Hunger website, 2) use by FAO/North America in newsletters and other releases during World Food Day week, 3) showcasing in the Capital Area Food Bank’s messaging campaigns. 

 In fact, many of the submitted poems will be used by anti-hunger groups, decision-makers, teachers, community groups, and others to inspire action towards Zero Hunger.  And, given that “Everything lives where trees live,” your submission and Ms. Roach’s generosity will further leverage the power of poetry to improve lives through environmental stewardship.

Held every October 16, this year’s World Food Day is themed on “Our Actions Are Our Future. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life.”  The campaign also recognizes and thanks to #FoodHeroes who, no matter the circumstance, continue to provide food to their communities and beyond.  

The anthology features the poems based on any of the three topics.

  1.  Our Actions Are Our Future (World Food Day theme; see website below)
  2. Any facet of food (in)security, hunger, nutrition or sustainable agriculture
  3. •The critical roles of Food Heroes and providers such as farmers, food workers, food assistance and food bank employees and volunteers and others.

 Immensely grateful to Poet Rebecca Roach for making the donation to plant the ten seedlings on my behalf.

Happy Poetry!!

Megha Sood

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