Wandering heart

“I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I’m born to leave.”
― Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles


O′ my wandering heart
my lone wolf
the lone survivor
chasing the will o′ wisp
my heart
my soul wanders
lost the identity
in this grind
I’m no atheist, no believer
a mystery to mankind

O′ my wandering heart
without a home
walking on the
shattered dreams
pierced and bled
a million times
yet I long a warm embrace
a guiding light
which leads me home
a puzzle,
too sublime

O′ my wandering heart
a lone wolf
the sole survivor
looking for the elixir
in those tears
which heals
my battered soul
and resurrect me
a thousand times

O′ my wandering heart
my lone wolf
the lone survivor
my hope tethered
to that sliver of light
on the horizon
to which I’m running

O′ my wandering heart
my lone wolf
the sole survivor
living like a stoic
like a deer lost in the words
running  towards the musk
hidden inside him
a mystery undefined.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Unsplash

This post is in response to the daily prompt Meander


72 thoughts on “Wandering heart

  1. Some of us are lucky to find a home for our hearts. Others, not so much, so we keep looking. You’ve written this well.

    Liked by 1 person

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