The season of fall

Here comes fall again! The season which brings so much of love and festivities along with it. That sudden chill in the air in the late evenings and beautiful fall leaves everywhere adds so many strokes of beauty to nature’s palette.

The essential and beautiful transition from summer to fall brings all the love along with it.

alisa-anton-166247 (1).jpgWarmth of a hug
Closeness under a blanket
Fingers warming to a cup of coffee
calmness of listening to him endlessly
falling leaves of the fall
brings back all the warmth
intertwining of fingers 
until the palms start sweating

Sharing the plugs
swaying to the same rhythm
heart singing the same beat
twinkle in your eyes
fleeting smile on your face
spoken words
and unspoken vows
tis the season
each falling leaf is a bookmark
in the book of memories
This is the season
The season of fall….

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

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