Sloth( Acedia)

This fifth poem is a part of the anthology of poems based on the Seven deadly sins. Do read the previous ones too, if you haven’t yet.

Sloth(Acedia) – excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents.

Thou seest how sloth wastes the sluggish body, as water is corrupted unless it moves.
– Ovid


A cessation of motion
an inability to work
you are indifferent
to emotions
trapped in a
cold stone heart
comfortably numb from inside
filled with apathy
reeking of sluggishness
running away from your
duties and obligations
as far you can
turning a blind eye
to every
despicable act
makes you somewhat
less than a man.

Picture credit

19 thoughts on “Sloth( Acedia)

  1. Reblogged this on Falling Star Burning Brightly and commented:
    My wife insisted that she go to work even though I wanted her to take care of our home.
    So we built a two earner lifestyle.
    In 2007 she survived a brain aneurysm.
    In 2008 she was laid off and she was devastated.
    She lay on a couch for a year watching tv.
    I insisted she go to school and she earned a diploma.
    She then Found a job that didn’t work out.
    Again she was devastated.
    Back on the couch she went watching tv.
    I insisted she find another job or apply for S.S. disibility.
    She was denied.
    After losing a third of our income guess who got stuck holding an empty bag?
    That’s right me.
    So I struggle to soar every single day with a dead weight died to my legs.
    That’s just one of the many reasons I hate feminism with a passion.
    Why poems liked this one offend m deeply.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dabir, I guess that you got offended cause the poem speaks of a man but while writing I wrote keeping both the genders in mind cause any of the sins are gender neutral.Hope this will clear the misunderstanding.


      1. Yes Megha I was offended not by the poem itself but because it targeted males as opposed to both genders. Thank you for taking the time to explain your thoughts behind this poem.

        Liked by 1 person

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